In the fragment, save instance state by overriding onSaveInstanceState() and restore in onActivityCreated(): 2. Why not register and get more from Qiita? When you rotate your device and the screen changes orientation, Android usually destroys your application’s existing Activities and Fragments and recreates them. You can play with your Activity's fragments as you like using the FragmentTransaction. There must be a cleaner and correct solution! So, if the fragment on back stack did not create its views, I save the last stored state, otherwise I build my own bundle with the data I want to save/restore. When you learn True Polymorph, do you learn about every creature in existence? How to properly handle screen rotation with a ViewPager and nested fragments? In case anyone is interested. This attribute informs to Android system that you are going to handle orientation and screenSize changes for this Activity. Every second customer converts better. ... .xml have a configChanges attribute that specifies which of a number of events the application is set up to handle … I get around this by reusing the same bundle that was saved in onCreate as the out going bundle. I have different layouts for portrait and landscape and I am using back stack, which both prevents me from using setRetainState() and tricks using configuration change routines. It solved a stick UI problem for me! From what I understood, the old fragment does not receive a call to onSaveInstanceState() when being replaced but stays somehow linked to the Activity and this method is called later when its View does not exist anymore, so looking for any of my TextViews results into a NullPointerException. Is the word ноябрь or its forms ever abbreviated in Russian language. @Piovezan it can be sort of implicitly inferred from the docs. Why is it that the congruence relations usually correspond to some type of subobject? Specifically, what breaks horribly is replacing a fragment, putting it in the back stack and then rotating the screen while the new fragment is shown. OOP implementation of Rock Paper Scissors game logic in Java. Now here is the tricky part. For example, the. This is the best solution I've found so far but there is still one (somewhat exotic) problem remaining: if you have two fragments. Thank you for the great answer! まぁこれは savedInstanceState が初回のみ null が来るイディオムを利用すれば済む: この Fragment#setRetainInstance() は凄く便利なので積極的に使っていきたい所だ。通信処理をする場合はこれ以外にも IntentService を使って結果を otto 等のイベントバスライブラリを使って Fragment 側に通知するのがいいのではないかと思う。. Can you have a Clarketech artifact that you can replicate but cannot comprehend? As we said before FragmentManager is the key component. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and
if I did? I thought of saving the state in onDestroyView() into some Bundle-type class member element (it's actually more data, not just one TextView) and saving that in onSaveInstanceState() but there are other drawbacks. Therefor, myObject will be null in this situation when the orientation rotates more than once. If you want to manually handle orientation changes in your app you must declare the "orientation", "screenSize", and "screenLayout" values in the android:configChanges attributes. 各画面を縦固定にするには AndroidManifest.xml の各 activity 要素に下記属性を指定してやればよい: 利用者をスマートフォンに限定している場合は構わないかもしれないが、タブレットを使っている人は意外と横で使う。横で持っている時に縦固定のアプリを起動するのは若干辛い。, 「画面回転ありのアプリを後から縦固定にする」のと「縦固定のアプリを後から画面回転ありにする」のは 後者が圧倒的に辛い。 可能性があるのであれば、画面回転を考慮したつくりにしておくのがよい。画面回転時に考慮すべきことはある程度パターン化されるので、普段から画面回転ありで慣れておけばそれほどの負担は感じないはず。. Here is were I store the bundle for later use since onCreate and onSaveInstanceState are the only calls that are made when the fragment isn't visible. getActivity() のほうがいい? Interpreting startup time and varying plans for Postgres seq scans, I mistakenly revealed name of new company to HR of current company. In Android 9, we updated portrait rotation mode to eliminate unintentional rotations by pinning the current screen rotation even if the device position changes. @Ricardo does this apply if using a ViewPager? It works fine. I am using a event to pass back the data to the activity. ViewPager inside fragment, how to retain state? That's what the OP asked. これは Fragment 関係ないというか昔からある手法なのだが念のため。以下のイディオムでレイアウトファイルを inflate しているものとする: 上記のように書いたということは /res/layout(-なんたら)/fragment_blank.xml が存在しないとビルドできないわけだが、縦と横に限って言えば以下のような挙動となる: 大抵の場合必要なのは 3 番目の 普段は /res/layout に定義し横画面で別レイアウトにしたい場合のみ /res/layout-land に定義する なのではないだろうか。, なので Java コード側で現在の画面方向は getResources().getConfiguration().orientation で取れるのでこれを Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT や Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE と比較してレイアウトを出し分けるのは多くの場合冗長となる。, Android, Java, PHP あたりのプログラマ。Python の思想が好み。開発環境として OS X や Ubuntu を使う。. The fragments will be restored automatically as long as you don't try to recreate them on every call to onCreate(). Add start method that accepts, annotated with @RequiresApi 11; 2.4.0. In my onActivityCreated method I instantiate the "myObject" variable but the rotation happens onActivity and onCreateView don't get called. 仕事で Android アプリを作成しているとよく 縦固定で と注文を受けることがある。 画面回転させると、ある画面が横画面で見辛いレイアウトの場合は別にレイアウトを作成しなければならないかもしれないし、デフォルトでは画面回転のタイミングで Activity や Fragment が再生成されるのでそ … rev 2020.11.24.38066, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Thanks! Super simple crop activity quick start flow that handles URI and permissions (huge thanks to @adwiv) Add image horizontal/vertical flipping during cropping (huge thanks to @tibbi). Instead, you should check if savedInstanceState is not null and find the old references to the created fragments in this case., How to write an effective developer resume: Advice from a hiring manager, Podcast 290: This computer science degree is brought to you by Big Tech, “Question closed” notifications experiment results and graduation, MAINTENANCE WARNING: Possible downtime early morning Dec 2/4/9 UTC (8:30PM…, How to get data from DialogFragment to Fragment and survive recreation activity, Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView, android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it. Normally yes, unless you changed the default behavior on your implementation of, I think this contribution is the best answer to the original question. Hello. 上記コードで MyTask#doInBackground() 中に画面回転させると onPostExecute() で getView() しても既に Fragment が破棄 (つまり destroyView() されている) ので null が返り失敗する。じゃあ onPostExecute() で再生成された Fragment を見つけにいってそこから対象のビューに対して処理をすればいいじゃないか、と思い以下のようなコードを書いてもダメだ: Fragment が破棄されると getActivity() も getFragmentManager() も getView() も null になる。Fragment のインスタンスは残っているがライフサイクル的には既にお亡くなりになっている。 Fragment の幽霊 である。かといって null チェックを入れると「画面回転するとビューに結果が反映されない」というバグになる。打開するにはイベントバスのライブラリを使うぐらいしか無いのではないだろうか。. Do other planets and moons share Earth’s mineral diversity? Indeed, when your Activity or Fragment is destroyed (during a rotation for example), Observables are, most of the time, manually unsubscribed (inside onDestroy()) to avoid memory leaks or unexpected behaviors.. What if we wanted to handle rotations in a better way ? How to handle Screen Orientation changes in Android - Part - 2 Adapting the GUI when screen orientation changes is extremely important for a good user experience experience. Can you tell me...What is "MyObject " here? Problem. I don't consider the last part very clean, though. This worked perfectly for me! @wizurd mContent is a Fragment, it's reference to the instance of the current fragment in the activity. your coworkers to find and share information. SaveInstanceState() of your values in fragment, then save fragment in Activity holding the fragment, then restore :). To handle device rotation in your app, change the application’s AndroidManifest.xml to tell Android that your app will handle orientation and screen size changes. Also, I found that keeping the reference to my TextViews is not a good idea with Fragments, even if it was OK with Activity's. You can declare multiple configuration values in the attribute by separating them with a pipe | character. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service.
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