Michael Meeropol: I’m listening to “The Lone Ranger.” And the door opens. Anderson Cooper: In so many of the photos of you both at that time, your brother is-- his arm is around you or both arms are around you like he’s protecting you. Amanda Rosenberg hit the headlines aged 27 when she moved to the US and had a relationship with the tech giant's billionaire CEO Sergey Brin, who was 13 years her senior and married with two children. They just said, “We listened to every radio station. It took the jury only eight hours to reach a verdict. Hollywood Ten, motion-picture producers, directors, and screenwriters who refused to answer questions before the House Un-American Activities Committee regarding their possible communist affiliations. All Rights Reserved. Neither child had any conception that their parents might be Soviet spies. Rather, the executions put them on a path of pain. Michael Meeropol: My father would take me to places like Prospect Park and, you know, get some peanuts and feed squirrels. It’s aiding and abetting. And as they grew, they went on a dramatic search for answers—a search that opened up even more questions about their parents’ past. Both pleaded not guilty, but were convicted and sentenced to be executed. One more day to live.”, Anderson Cooper: You actually said that--, Michael Meeropol: Oh yeah, absolutely. Newspapers called Julius and Ethel Rosenberg “atomic spies” and the judge sentenced them to death for putting the atomic bomb in the hands of the Soviet Union. ‘Cause he was talking about, “When Mommy and Daddy come home.” And I said,  “Oh, come on, let’s tell him….Rob, Robby…”-- he was always Robby --”Mommy and Daddy aren’t coming home. Anderson Cooper: Do you remember exactly what you said? Yeah. On Saturday, the 29-year-old punter will step on the field for the top … Anderson Cooper: How did the Meeropols and others on the left respond? His parents were none other than Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and they were accused of being Russian spies who passed on secret information about nuclear technology as the Cold War kicked into high gear. I think he had a tremendous sense of responsibility for me. Anderson Cooper: Hated yourself because you were—. They couldn’t and they would not betray each other. Robert Meeropol: Both our parents could’ve saved themselves. They’ve launched an online petition drive, callling on President Obama to exonerate their mother before he leaves office. Julius Rosenberg was an engineer for the U.S. Army Signal Corps who was born in New York on May 12, 1918. When a copy of the sketch Greenglass said he drew for the Soviets was made public in 1966, nuclear scientists were not impressed. Anderson Cooper: You were worried about letting the world know who you were? Robert Meeropol: Within a few months of living with them, I was calling them Mommy and Daddy. Robert Meeropol: He was my anchor, you know, rather than sibling rivalry, it was more of, like, the two of us against the world. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. “Darling don’t worry about a thing.”. I’m innocent and I’m ready.”. Rosenberg, 35, was shot to death in his girlfriend’s bedroom April 22, 1977, nearly two years after Kenny’s body was found in Serena Gundy Park in East York in June 1975. No, I-- I didn’t. Robert Meeropol: Well, I was too young to really have a choice. But President Eisenhower refused to intervene. It’s a remarkable story, a piece of American history that hasn’t been fully told. Anderson Cooper: People stopped speaking to you? Tommy Vercetti and Ken Rosenberg continue to drift apart in the early 1990s, with Rosenberg eventually entering rehabilitation at the Fort Carson Medical Center in Fort Carson, San Andreas. And I remember traveling around with him. Michael Meeropol: Absolutely. The staff was pretty free with the slaps and the abuse. She was taken away from us. Anderson Cooper: Did you think you might be able to prove your parents’ innocence? As early as we could, we recreated the family that was torn apart. And he understood more. They saved our lives. I th-- they all thought Julius would break and cooperate. In fact, we know that the rabbi came to her cell after witnessing our father’s execution and said, “Julius is gone and, you know, you have two children. Robert Meeropol: Yeah, I was, because whenever-- when the world knew who I was, it was very bad. © 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. It became readily apparent, that this was not people who were arrested because they opposed the Korean War or whatever, because they wanted peace. Like something out of Dickens. Anderson Cooper: The judge said, “Your parents loved their cause more than their own children,” which is certainly a very cruel thing to say--. His rehabilitation was successful, but his friendship with Vercetti is irreparably damaged, and he is also disbarred as a la… A lot of hugging and kissing. Robert Meeropol: I think it was harder on him. Couldn’t be used. As the children of America’s most notorious Red Scare-era figures, they were associated with their parents’ supposed crimes. Ron Radosh: Yes. His exceptional reporting on big news events has earned Cooper a reputation as one of television's pre-eminent newsmen. Robert Meeropol: You know, for years we were saying our parents were innocent lambs brought to slaughter. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! They took Michael and Robby into their home and eventually adopted them. Based on this information, Robert and Michael Meeropol have launched a campaign to clear their mother’s name. As the hours of execution approached, reporters converged on the prison, and protestors gathered near New York’s Union Square. Nor has the government ever admitted that Julius Rosenberg didn’t pass on the kinds of secrets for which he was convicted. Michael Meeropol: I didn’t want to see the electric chair. But it wasn’t enough for the Supreme Court, which denied the Rosenbergs’ appeal. Anderson Cooper: The Meeropols became your parents? Michael Meeropol: I was denying-- I was too scared to-- admit that my parents were my parents. That we both had two kids, just like we were two kids. The boys were now Cold War orphans, and they were almost as infamous as their parents. Michael Meeropol: He was very energetic. https://screenrant.com/grand-theft-auto-vice-city-tommy-vercetti-gta Jimmy Bass, a criminal associate, was put on trial for Rosenberg’s murder, but was never convicted. Three and seven years old at the time, they were first sent to live with their grandmother. But as they reconstructed the evidence on their parents, they came to the agonizing conclusion that their father wasn't innocent after all. In March 1951, Greenglass testified he’d given sketches of the atomic bomb to Julius Rosenberg, and that Ethel had typed up his handwritten notes. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. More than 20 years after their parents’ execution, the brothers decided to step back into the limelight and reinvestigate the Rosenberg case. Anderson Cooper: Was there any part of you that was disappointed in your father? Ron Radosh: Yes. Bob Simon: So Ethel finally went to the electric chair on the basis of evidence that was false. The new information has changed the way this chapter of American history is viewed, which is why the brothers are now asking President Obama to exonerate their mother. Relatives were afraid to take them in. When other relatives refused to care for them, they were sent to a children’s shelter in the Bronx. At the time, he was an author and activist, highly sympathetic to the Rosenbergs’ cause and eager to help. Michael Meeropol: Yep. Michael Meeropol: In the case of my mother, she really is collateral damage, you know, this is -- this is the government trying…putting a gun to her head and saying to Julie “Talk or we’ll kill her.”. Despite his Jewish heritage, Rosenberg has many eastern European and Slavic items on display in his office. Well, I couldn’t, I just couldn’t-- for what reason or another, I just couldn’t go on with the charade. Rosenberg, 35, was shot to death in his girlfriend’s bedroom April 22, 1977, nearly two years after Kenny’s body was found in Serena Gundy Park in East York in June 1975. The boys visited their parents in Sing Sing prison, where they looked over the electric chair and asked their parents if they were really innocent. They lived relatively normal lives. Robert Meeropol: Essentially, I was in the closet from when I was 6 until when I was 20 with everybody who didn’t already know. My wife is more important to me than my sister. They all said the same thing.” And so I knew. You could say-- if you want to say those who say the Rosenbergs were framed, they framed guilty people. And he said, “If people find out I’ve taken in the children of the Rosenbergs-- they won’t buy food from my store.”. Anderson Cooper: I heard that you asked to see the electric chair? "We were the children of Communist spies,” Robert told 60 Minutes in 2016. The Brothers Rosenberg. What ever happened to those two little boys? Ron Radosh: I was stunned. It’s got no dimensions in it. Ken Rosenberg's character is largely based on Dave Kleinfeld from the 1993 movie Carlito's Way, sharing a striking resembl… [Robert Meeropol at press conference: The government files represent the largest body of primary evidence on my parents’ case in existence. They would never be reunited with their parents, who were convicted and sentenced to the electric chair. Michael Meeropol: 1966, top scientists look at it, and they make it clear that this thing is a secret of nothing.


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