Instant downloads of all 1373 LitChart PDFs There is a conflict between the student body and the temporary headmaster over the annual sale of chocolates for the benefit of the school. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. } We first encounter the main character, Jerry, in the midst of football practice at the all-boys Catholic Trinity High School in the fictional town of Monument, Massachusetts. For once in The Vigils history they have lost control. He finally acknowledges it, however, but is strangely unconcerned. function GetMonth(intMonth){ His … Carter has some of the other guys drag him out of there. A short summary of Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of The Chocolate War. Chapter 29: Brian Cochran tallies the chocolate sales and can’t believe how many boxes have sold. He was dismissed early from football practice because he had not completed a single pass. He has heard rumors that The Vigils were behind the sale, and he has noticed The Vigils whispering to people in the hallways, making threats, and taking off after school with boxes of chocolates in their cars. He's a freshman at Trinity High School, and wants to make quarterback. LitCharts Teacher Editions. For the past few days the chocolates have been selling like hot cakes, and although he does not understand why, he is relieved that he has good news to report. When Brian Cochran adds up the totals, he is astounded and cannot wait to tell Brother Leon. Chapter 29. Book Report Ideas. Not a literal one, just normal football practice abuse. " July ", " August ", " September ", Jerry looks out the window and sees figures in the darkness and threatens to call the police. Millions of books are just a click away on and through our FREE NOOK reading apps. He’s an insolent troublemaker and immediately challenges Archie’s authority by refusing to answer any questions and mocking The Vigils. Although it received mixed reviews at the time of its publication, some reviewers have argued it is one of the best young adult novels of all time. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Carter approaches Brian with money from the sale. " April ", " May ", " June ", Someone announces that he has sold his fifty boxes, and Goober is shocked since really he has sold only twenty-seven boxes. Brian concentrates on the bottom line, perhaps a quality he picked up from Brother Leon. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Chocolate War. "TheBestNotes on The Chocolate War". Brother Leon asks Jerry to answer the question. Living in the closet, hiding away." © 2020 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. Emile taunts Jerry, implying with sickening oiliness that Jerry is a homosexual. The Chocolate War is a story told laconically, in very short scenes and chapters, with brief dialogues and few descriptive passages. The chocolate sales have risen astronomically over several days. Jerry replies: "It's a free country," but Brother Leon says that answer is not good enough. return todayStr Eventually, Janza says that Jerry "lives in the closet." if(year<1000) year+=1900 < In chapter thirty-one, Emile Janza challenges Jerry as he is leaving football practice. Copyright ©2004 TheBestNotes, All Rights Reserved. / Multiple Choice Quiz, Essay Topics - Perhaps he does not want to believe it, and would rather believe that everyone suddenly is more invested in the sale. His feeling that something is rotten at the school is confirmed, and he tries not to think about what it means. Brother Leon threatens Archie with destruction of The Vigils if the chocolates … Struggling with distance learning? As he left the field, he noticed the other players looking at each other, laughing and smirking, and he realized that they had purposely missed his passes. Jerry looks around, hoping that someone is in view, but no one is. Our, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Archie’s strange, unsettling craving for chocolate—a metaphor for his desire for power and control—has not been slaked even by his victory over Jerry and his renewed claim to power over the school. There's a full-on chocolate-selling frenzy going on. The Chocolate War Chapter 39 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our. He then walks up to Frankie Pollo and begins hitting him in the face. . The sales are organized now, with carloads of kids embarking on sales every afternoon after school. For the past few days the chocolates have been selling like hot cakes, and although he does not understand why, he is relieved that he has good news to report. Author Robert Cormier . Our, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. / Imagery / Symbols, Study Questions The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier Summary/Study Guide FREE Analysis/Chapter Notes/Free Book Notes/Online/Download. Directed by Keith Gordon. Archie, a senior, is the Assigner for the group, and Obie is both Secretary and a kind of lackey for Archie. Jerry decides not to tell his father what is going on as he does not want his dad involved at all. //-->