Originally aired on PBS in 1996 “Taken for a Ride” provides an excellent example of what a documentary can and should be…Exposing important historical examples of actual corporate criminality, on this occasion in what became known as Great American Streetcar Scandal. 5 states. Taken for a Ride was described by Caryn James as "an uneven documentary" whose "nostalgia for the streetcar system as a glorious, clean model of efficiency seems addled rather than convincing". The film was produced by New Day Films . For one resident, eight-year-old Geovany Cesario, impending change is bittersweet. Why Does America Have the Worst Public Transit in the Industrialized World, and the Most Freeways? r/Documentaries: tl;dw. This 1996 documentary takes a nostalgic ride through history to present the experiences of Black sleeping-car porters who worked on Canada's railways from the early 1900s through the 1960s. Mr. Rabin and other Signature executives denied fault for the market collapse and blamed the city for allowing ride-hail companies to enter with little regulation. The 55-minute film was first broadcast on August 6, 1996 on the PBS television series POV. Join us Friday, January 10th for a free screening of Taken for a Ride hosted by Northwest’s Beyond Coffee Group! Taken for a ride (1996) - A documentary about how the highway system and the car industry lobbied towards the systematic dismantling of the US public transit system [00:56:24] Close. The director, James Klein, can be contacted at 314 Dayton St. #207, Yellow Springs, OH 45387; (937) 241-9620. Taken for a ride (1996) - A documentary about how the highway system and the car industry lobbied towards the systematic dismantling of the US public transit system [00:56:24] : Documentaries. [1] Academic Sara Sullivan gave the film a mixed rating in her 2010 review: "(Taken for a Ride) presents a compelling history of the streetcars and the battles over freeways in the 1970s," but that the film "feels incomplete, with certain aspects needing to be fleshed out and other links made. The film ends with footage of the reduction of Philadelphia's trolleybus system at the time of filming. take for a ride phrase. The film was also distributed to European television outlets, and purchased by hundreds of university and college libraries in the U.S. This article is more than 10 months old. A documentary to inspire mustang adoptions and promote conservation. In this 2012 Oscar-nominated short film, Alabama barber and civil rights veteran James Armstrong experiences the fulfillment of an unimaginable dream: the election of the first African-American president. ... Funding Initiative Open Call. Jim Klein and Martha Olson weave investigative journalism, urban history and… We resolved ahead of time that we wouldn’t pay them because we … Surf Hill The film was produced by New Day Films . "Taken for a Ride," a 55-minute film was shown on PBS in August 1996 and is available for purchase ($29.95) from transitmedia.net. It explained how the General Motors (GM) contributed to the demise of the street cars. Taken for a Ride. "[2], The examples and perspective in this article, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "At the End of the Line: The Decline of Transit", Article on the film at Culture Change magazine, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Taken_for_a_Ride&oldid=983598720, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about the automotive industry, Articles with limited geographic scope from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 October 2020, at 04:27. Before freeways, traffic congestion and air pollution, public transportation was a vital part of the American landscape. 3,000 miles. Publicadas por During one of the ... A village woman with no high school diploma becomes China's most famous poet, and her book of poetry the best-selling such volume in China in the past 20 years. Dublin in August 1985 and two boys aged 10 and 13 hop on a DART train for a ride that will take them a few thousand miles beyond their stop. Jim Klein and Martha Olson weave investigative journalism, urban history and social commentary to uncover General Motors' role in dismantling street car transportation in the 1930's, and in catapulting the automobile to the center of our national culture. Taken for a Ride. What does take for a ride expression mean? take for a ride phrase. Through the eyes of Sierra Leonean filmmaker Arthur Pratt, Survivors presents an intimate portrait of his country during the Ebola outbreak, exposing the complexity of the epidemic and the sociopolitical turmoil that lies in its wake. Publicadas por There was a strong sense of pride among these men and they were well-respected by their community. Taken for a Ride had its broadcast premiere on the PBS documentary flagship series POV in August 1996, and was featured at numerous international film festivals, including IDFA in Amsterdam. Created with Sketch. Definition of take for a ride in the Idioms Dictionary. Before freeways, traffic congestion and air pollution, public transportation was a vital part of the American landscape. Taken for a Ride. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. In Taken for a Ride, documentary filmmakers Jim Kleina and Martha Olson look at the history of how General Motors willfully dismantled the United States’ mass transit systems in the early 1940s (in order to promote people to buy more cars). Over 1.5 million balloons were about to be released at once, breaking the world record. Using over 100 years of archival footage, director Sierra Pettengill explores the history of the largest Confederate monument: Georgia’s Stone Mountain. The film was produced by New Day Films . Taken for a Ride: Detroit’s Big Three and the Politics of Pollution is an indictment of America’s auto manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors). A startling expose of General Motors’ role in dismantling street car transportation in the 1930’s and in catapulting the automobile to the center of our national culture. Since 2008, our independent film production company, 8180 Films, has produced four independent feature films, including a post WWII drama, (Christina), a comedy documentary, (The Coexist Comedy Tour), a neo-noir suspense thriller, (The Girl on the Train), and a performance documentary (Beyond Glory starring Stephen Lang). This isn't really a documentary, or at least not a documentary with an unbiased view. For the three-quarters of Tultepec residents who work in pyrotechnics ... Jae-Chang Kim runs a children's choir in Pune, India. Exclusive: Guardian/ITV … J. P. The film was also distributed to European television outlets, and purchased by hundreds of university and college libraries in the U.S. The Great American Streetcar Conspiracy. (Four guys, 18 wild mustangs, and 3,000 miles of open trail from Mexico to Canada sounds like the trip of a lifetime, and in many respects it is. The Great American Streetcar Conspiracy. Instead this film brings a specific point of view: that GM "took the USA for a ride", tricked the population in order to disassemble trolley transport in cities, and promote highways and the use of automobiles. During the day, it is a regular city bus. The city of Cleveland was abuzz on September 27, 1986. This is "The Vintagent Classics: Taken For A Ride" by The Vintagent on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. $50,000 goal. No pledges Created 5 years ago Share Closed. Closed Project page created in the Community category by Taken for A Ride Again for "Taken for A Ride Again production" Wellington. Taken for a ride: how Norton Motorcycles collapsed amid acrimony and scandal. Riders would also get hurt, as the documentary interviewees said, when they would get into a fight with fellow aggressive, often-drunk guests in the pool at the end of the ride. It's a huge thrill ride that leaves you eager and makes your heartbeat. January Documentary Night: Taken for a Ride. On May 19–21, 2011, the Freedom Rides were commemorated in Montgomery, Alabama, at the new Freedom Ride museum in the old Greyhound Bus terminal, where some of the violence had taken place in 1961. It does more then enough to keep you entertained. ", The Line 22 is a bus route that runs 24 hours in Silicon Valley. Created with Sketch. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. A startling expose of General Motors’ role in dismantling street car transportation in the 1930’s and in catapulting the automobile to the center of our national culture. Taken for a Ride (youtube video-56 minutes)--When you get to the YouTube page, search for "Taken for a Ride" to get the 56 minute documentary. Taken For A Ride is the fourth track on Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum.The lyrics could be metaphors for a person struggling with depression. Exclusive: Guardian/ITV … Taken for a Ride: Detroit’s Big Three and the Politics of Pollution is an indictment of America’s auto manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors). Get this from a library! In Taken for a Ride, documentary filmmakers Jim Kleina and Martha Olson look at the history of how General Motors willfully dismantled the United States’ mass transit systems in the early 1940s (in order to promote people to buy more cars). But they’d never taken a plane. After the film we will break out into small discussion groups. Press J to jump to the feed. New Day Films is a filmmaker-run distribution company, providing social issue documentaries to educators since 1971. Although they came in pursuit of short-term ... America ReFramed: 'Random Acts of Legacy' | Film Update. This article is more than 10 months old. Taken for a Ride is a documentary film by Martha Olson and Jim Klein about the Great American Streetcar Scandal. “Taken for a Ride” is an excellent documentary that accomplishes the task of informing the viewers of the pressing problem, provides the background facts and point to a practical solution, as well as encourages viewers to think critically and rationally. The documentary describes how the electric streetcars went to extinction and exposed the main player to that effect. The action leaves you at the edge of your seat and gives you that rush! When Theresa Burroughs came of voting age, she was ready to cast her ballot — but she had a long fight ahead of her. In the Florida Panhandle lies the provincial town of Marianna, Florida, where resident and poet L. Lamar Wilson runs a particular marathon in hopes of lifting the veil of racial terror caused by the town’s buried history. Through the story of Jessica Macleod, Ph.D., a dedicated nurse practitioner in Evansville, Indiana, and her four homebound and marginalized patients. In a gripping narrative, Bill Vlasic and Bradley A. Stertz go behind the scenes of the defining corporate drama of the decade - and in a new epilogue chart its chaotic aftermath. The film builds the argument that streetcar systems purchased by these companies were deliberately sabotaged through service reductions and fare increases, then replaced with profitable, less convenient, bus systems. How the American auto industry engineered the demise of city public-transit systems. What does take for a ride expression mean? Aug 17, 2015 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. With Jim Klein, Renee Montagne, Bradford Snell, Joe Alfonsie. Join us Friday, January 10th for a free screening of Taken for a Ride hosted by Northwest’s Beyond Coffee Group! The director, James Klein, can be contacted at 314 Dayton St. #207, Yellow Springs, OH 45387; (937) 241-9620. The documentary describes how the electric streetcars went to extinction and exposed the main player to that effect. Taken for a Ride is a documentary that exposes General Motors destruction of the streetcar in order to promote and boost General Motor automobile sales. Taken for a Ride begins with interviews on the inefficiencies and congestion on Los Angeles' highways. The National Pyrotechnic Festival in Tultepec, Mexico, is a site of festivity unlike any other in the world. January Documentary Night: Taken for a Ride.


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