It goes without saying that all deaths, property destruction etc. GOD MAKE THIS COUNTRY SAFE. It is really a confession of your own ignorance (“They’re all crazy! What have Americans learned after their “victory” over the Soviet Empire? "The Gulf War: How Many Iraqis Died?" Please consider donating. Independent analysts generally agree the Iraqi death toll was well below initial post-war estimates. But hypocrisy never seems to register in an American mind.) WGBH educational foundation, In Fight Against ISIS, a Lose-Lose Scenario Poses Challenge for West. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. Anyway… I was in Iraq and I know the looks you get. See for example the massive fuss raised (justifiably) about a few people killed in Boston, Mass, or a single person in Woolwich, London, and the (unjustifiably) minimal coverage given to dozens or hundreds of dead in Iraq, Pakistan, Mexico or just about anywhere else. 2. End justifies the means, is a norm, and the actions by the military are not evaluated by any moral codes. They are the only two peer reviewed studies done on the subject. The results from a new poll commissioned by the British media watchdog group MediaLens exposed a startling disconnect between the realities of the Iraq War and public perceptions of it: Namely, what the Iraqi death toll was. Good going. However, like all other troop estimates made during the war, the estimated 8,000 Iraqi defenders was probably greatly inflated. Woah thar.Forget about the fact that you are leaving the blame for the war at our door….The premise here is wrong from a few points.Number one is how many did we kill in the war….And how many did the other side kill?Before the war 1500 were dying every week under Saddams rule(that we know about! American incessant intervention across the globe has been turning this country into that military/industrial/congressional complex that General Dwight Eisenhower had warned us about. ‘Civilian clothing does not a non combatant make’….by the way, I’m not an English failure.That sentence is a play on an old saying. People are still dying in Iraq because of the illegal American invasion. We rely on your support to keep running. It was the predictable result of the American intervention. Besides, WE DIDN’T START THIS BS!!! By 1988, at the end of the Iran–Iraq war, the Iraqi Army was the world's fourth largest army, consisting of 955,000 standing soldiers and 650,000 paramilitary forces in the Popular Army. )Thats 80 thou roughly per year.Then of course how many did we kill in combat against us?Then how many died as our enemies mixed among the people after an attack?The only number that matters is how many innocent -non aligned people died-at our hands.Granted one is to many.But that is the number that matters most. No problem! Yea right!!! That study has been discredited in academia. Justin W. Pollard, 21, of Foothill Ranch, Calif., died in Baghdad, Iraq. Pointing out the destructive things accomplished by the American invasion and prior sanctions regime – not to mention the FIRST U.S. invasion in 1991 – does not imply approval of anything that Saddam ever did. Saddam Hussein is being defiant!! “Syria had taken in roughly a million refugees by December 2006 . It shows a person is quite unintelligent to blame the destruction of Iraq by Saddam and the other terrorists on the people who have led the effort to rebuild Iraq. Several estimates based on randomly selected household surveys estimate the approximate numbers of civilians killed, injured, and made sick due to war. Pollard died as a result of injuries sustained in a non-combat related incident. Died March 29, 2008, at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany of wounds suffered when his vehicle encountered a roadside bomb in Abu Jassim, Iraq, on March 23, 2008 Staff Sgt. World War II has nothing to do with it. But it’s my own shortcoming, letting myself get rattled by such a rattlesnake. Think of how much health care we could provide with the funds from war machines like aircraft carriers and ballistic submarines and fighter jet programs et cetera. U can al so check out ours 2. The Taliban are criminals…..and “yes” I know the Taliban is in Afghanistan and not Iraq, just using them as another example of criminals we’re in the process of killing. But I won’t bother with you any more; you can have the last word (and I do hope it is your last). web site copyright 1995-2014 We expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. Get real yourself. The numbers of U.S. soldiers who have died in Iraq do not paint a full picture of the death toll in the Middle East. Briones died of a non-hostile gun shot wound in Fallujah, Iraq. Later, Saddam Hussein, looking to build fighting power against Iran soon after the outbreak of the Iran–Iraq War doubled the size of the Iraqi army from 1981, when it numbered 200,000 soldiers in 12 divisions and 3 independent brigades, to 1985, when it had 500,000 men in … When Saddam refuses to comply Bush smugly folds his arms and exclaims “See?? The US is withdrawing the last of its troops from Iraq, the final phase in the eight-year operation which has cost billions of dollars and many thousands of lives. The names of the 6,828 Americans who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. According to Keith Krause of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, "the consensus seems to be that around 150,000 people died violently as a result of the fighting between 2003 and 2006." Multi-National Force-Iraq's methodology for calculating a sectarian death count "identifies a number of factors, necessarily subjective, that help analysts determine whether an attack or a death should be considered sectarian. “Better estimates of Iraqi deaths based upon survey work in the country are the Iraq Family Health Survey Study Group published in the New England Journal of Medicine in Jan. 08 that estimated 104,000-223,000 deaths from 2003-2006.”. I mean organizations such as the al Qaeda in Iraq or members of Saddam’s Republican Guard troops who ditched the uniform for civilian clothes??? Get with the times. Economic Misreporting Matches Iraq War Failures, FAIR TV: Bradley Manning, Afghan Atrocity, David Gregory’s Phony Gotcha,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. The Multi-National Force – Iraq (MNF–I), often referred to as the coalition forces, was a military command during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and much of the ensuing Iraq War, led by the United States of America (Operation Iraqi Freedom), United Kingdom (Operation TELIC), Australia, Spain and Poland, responsible for conducting and handling military operations. $ 40 crisis it back born bloody internecine deep from rise misery serial by White House Inside no safe . Ethno-sectarian violence is defined as violence 'conducted by one ethnic/religious group against another ethnic/religious group, where the primary motivation for the event is based on ethnic or religious reasons.' Independent analysts generally agree the Iraqi death toll was well below initial post-war estimates. 3.An increasingly frustrated Bush now demands “Either you let us interview your scientists or we’ll invade your country.” (By the way, when was the last time the U.S. let IAEA weapons inspectors into the U.S. to inspect American nuclear weapons facilities? Thought the two do not agree with each other, both show deaths far in excess of the amateurish efforts of Iraq Body Count and iCasualties. Regardless of who/what and where, it is their country that is now in a state of complete disarray, and we the west are responsible. For the fourth effing time. While approximately 2,000 of the troops surrendered, escaping burial, one newspaper story reported that the U.S. commanders estimated thousands of Iraqi soldiers had been buried alive during the two-day assault February 24-25, 1991. “One” would have more credibility if “they” were more attentive to grammar. I don’t know how the bloodshed there over the last two years compares with that in Iraq over the last decade, but what comes across on British media – deliberately or not, I don’t know – is that the internecine violence in Syria is much bloodier, which both downplays the culpability of our leaders for Iraqi deaths and suggests that, if we care about civilians in that part of the world at all, we really should be urging our governments to intervene in Syria! FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. I did not “cut Saddam a break”. Were these “civilians” who were killed just people who were trying to kill Americans but weren’t part of any organized military and how do they know either way???
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