From what we can tell, it seems like the woman in white (from the Garden) is the one sending us these messages. The term used in this manner was coined around 1979 by Steve Wright, the then Director of Software Development in the Atari Consumer Division, to describe a hidden message in the Atari video game Adventure, in reference to an Easter egg hunt The carrier may be publicly visible. A lot of people look for this after having their website pirated. If that information is too secure just don't add it on hidden field. The steganographic process places a hidden message in a transport medium, called the carrier. Directions: To solve the puzzle you have to find the secret message embedded in the page's source code. One of the biggest controversies ever relating to subliminal messages happened in one of the favourite advertising places for the tobacco and alcohol industry, Formula 1. Image via Wendy's. 1. 2.- Marlboro and Ferrari. That's the bottom line. Right click on the blog and click on 'View page source' to see the hidden messages. Inga Korolkovaite BoredPanda staff The Business of making money is a serious pursuit, with things like cash flow, capital, assets, and profitabilty extremely important yet also pretty boring. But your this tips can be more helpful to me for finding out hiddent links and hiddent text... :) 1 0 BradleyT-50754. She … Wendy's. “Inspector Sands to the control room, please.” If you ever hear that at a British train station, don’t panic. They call me iron59. Star a message so it's easy to find later . So if you just don't want not to show it on view source you can add that hidden field dynamically using JavaScript. The best way to locate the hidden text inside the script file is to change the web browser to mimic as search engine crawlers. 2. Mario is on a business trip in an exotic country. Visual C++ will remove "unused local variables" as part of its dead code optimizations. This technique can easily be extended to embed secret message inside any piece of source-code where the standard interpreter of that language is case-insensitive. Can you find them all? They're all in green text, with the symbols