Room C221
124, Room 227
Fax: 520-533-1349 DSN: 821-1349
Fax: 011-81-46-407-5109
Fort Riley
NAF Human Resources Office
Fort Meade, MD 20755-5035
Comm: 703-704-4875 DSN: 654-4875
Employee Resource Center
NAF Human Resource Office
NAF Human Resource Office
Dragon Hill Lodge
HQ 3rd Infantry Division
Comm: 82-2-790-0016 ext. Texarkana, TX 75507-5000
Fort Gordon
PO Box 339500, MS 37
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
Fort Jackson, SC 29207-5225
488, Room 115
1118, Room 142 Fort Carson, CO 80911-4139 Comm: 719-526-3228 DSN: 691-3228 Fax: 719-526-5316 DSN: 691-5316 Fort Knox U.S. Army Armor Center & Ft. Knox NAF Human Resource Office 506 Old Ironsides Avenue, Bldg.
U.S. Army Armor Center & Ft. Knox
Fort Buchanan PR 00934-4547
: 39-050-54-7032 DSN: 314-633-7032 Fax: 39-050-54-7049 Stuttgart Civilian Personnel Advisory Center NAF Human Resources Office Unit 30401 APO AE 09107-0401 Comm: 011-49-7031-15-3120 DSN: 314-431-3120 Fax: 011-49-7031-15-3138 Vicenza NAF Human Resources Office Unit 31401, Box 26 APO AE 09630 Comm.
Stars & Stripes, North Central Region
Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield
Comm: 913-684-7447 DSN: 552-7447
Red River Army Depot - (Includes Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot,
CPAC NAF Human Resources Office
4700 Mow-way Road, 5th Floor
Stars & Stripes)
Unit # 24501
Yuma, AZ 85365-9111
Department of the Army
2530 Crystal Drive
Fort Eustis
NAF Human Resources Office
Fax: 011-49-8821-750-2833
802d Force Support NAF Human Resources Office Fax: 270-956-4312 DSN: 363-4312
NAF Human Resources Office (PECH-NER-M/NAF)
U.S Army Combined Arms Support Command
DSN: 315-738-3630
Comm: 435-833-2837 DSN: 790-2837
Comm: 011-05-05-753-7530
74 C Street, Bldg 60
Fort Huachuca
Comm: 315-772-8166 DSN: 772-8166
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
Human Resources Office
Fax: 210-221-6519 DSN: 471-6519
Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-1509
Camp Zama (Includes Pacific
Fax: 608-388-3675 DSN: 280-3675
Red River Army Depot
Unit 31401, Box 26
Comm: 407-824-2597/3190
Fort Sam Houston Civilian Personnel Advisory Center 2438 Stanley Road Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234 CHRA-NCR-I 210.221.1425 DSN 471-1425
Fax: 719-526-5316 DSN: 691-5316
Comm: 845-938-4506 DSN: 688-4506
55 Pony Soldier Avenue
Fort Knox, KY 40121-5000
third-party websites and applications, click here. Dugway, UT 84022-5002
Fax: 508-233-5105 DSN: 256-5105
Contact Us. 700 Quarters Road, Bldg. Human Resources Office
Warren, MI 48397-00001
Unit 15746
2410 Jessup Road, building 4023, room 205. FAX: 256-235-4852 DSN: 571-4852
68147 DSN: 581-0283
DSN: 315-738-4334
Fort Buchanan & Miami USAG
Aberdeen Proving Ground 305 Longs Corner Road Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5000 Comm: 410-278-8993 DSN: 298-8993 Fax: 410-278-0684 DSN: 298 … Fort Sam Houston (Joint Base San Antonio) Official Website. G9 integrates and delivers Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs and services enabling readiness and resilience for a globally-responsive Army. Fax: 787-707-3279 DSN: 740-3279
Welcome to Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston Chapel Services FSH Installation Chaplain Office, (210) 221-5004/5937 Main Post "Gift" Chapel, (210) 221-2754 Dodd Field Chapel, (210) 221-5010 AMEDD Chapel, (210) 221-3231 Family Life Chaplain, (210) 221-5010 For After Hours Emergency Pastoral Needs Call the Joint Base San Antonio Command Post at (210) 221-9363 . Fax: 011-82-53-470-7933 DSN: 315-768-7933
P.O. Mailing Address: 2438 Stanley Road, Ste B. Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-5022. Fort Detrick (Includes Forest Glen/Glen Haven Annex)
Fort Sam Houston is located in San Antonio, Texas and is part of Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) along with Lackland and Randolph Air Force Bases.
301 C Street, Bldg 300
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
Technical & Site Feedback
Fax: 573-596-6928 DSN: 581-0289
APO AE 09613-1301
HQ NTC & Ft Irwin
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
Comm: 760-380-3295 DSN: 470-3295
Comm: 717-267-9179/5672 DSN: 570-9179/5672
Comm: 586-282-7084 DSN: 786-7084
75001950, ist ein Stützpunkt der United States Army in San Antonio, Texas.Es ist nach dem ersten Präsidenten der Republik Texas, Sam Houston, benannt und trägt den Spitznamen Fort Sam.Die Einrichtung dient als Hauptquartier der United States Army North und United States Army South sowie des United States Army Medical Command. Kaiserslautern – (Includes Baumholder & Stars and Stripes)
Comm: 301-677-2428 DSN: 622-2428
6, Rm. 319 Marshall Avenue Fort Riley, KS 66442-6800 Comm: 785-239-0811 DSN: 856-0811 Fax: 785-239-3635 DSN: 856-3635 Fort Sill Civilian Personnel Advisory Center NAF Human Resources Office 4700 Mow-way Road, 5th Floor Fort Sill, OK 73503 Com: (580) 442-5526 DSN: 639-5526 Fax: (580) 442-7820 DSN: 639-7820 Red River Army Depot - (Includes Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot, McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, & Pine Bluff Arsenal) 100 Main Drive, Bldg 115E Red River Army Depot Texarkana, TX 75507-5000 Comm: 903-334-3435 DSN: 829-3435 Fax: 903-334-4502 DSN: 829-4502 Benelux Benelux Civilian Personnel Advisory Center NAF Human Resources Office Unit 21419APO AE 09708 Comm: 034-68-27-5319 DSN: 314-361-5319 Fax: 361-5386 Franconia - (Ansbach)Franconia Civilian Personnel Advisory Center NAF Human Resources Office Unit 25850 Ansbach, GE 09177-8614 Comm: 011-49-9811-83-7829 DSN: 314-468-7829 Fax: 468-7841 Grafenwoehr NAF Human Resources Office, Unit 28130 APO AE 09114-8130 Comm: 011-49-9641-83-7496 DSN: 314-475-7496 Kaiserslautern – (Includes Baumholder & Stars and Stripes) Civilian Personnel Advisory Center NAF Human Resources Office Bldg. Contact Us
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
Fax: 910-643-0248 DSN: 593-0248
About Us
Picatinny Arsenal
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234. Comm: 256-235-4545 DSN: 571-4545
Comm: 703-545-1241 DSN: 865-1241
NAF Human Resources Office
Sincerely, Paul D. Burk Director, G9 Download the 26 Feb 2020 Annunity Letter (pdf) ///// 77th Street, Bldg 4220
Fax: 717-245-4586 DSN: 242-4586
305 Longs Corner Road
The mission on Fort Sam is to serve as the command headquarters for the US Army North, the US Army South, the Army Medical Command, the … Greely
NAF Human Resources Office
Tobyhanna Army Depot
NAF Human Resources Office
Com: 011-49-8821-944-4551
NAF Human Resources Office
Franconia - (Ansbach)
Comm: 785-239-0811 DSN: 856-0811
FOIA, Armed Forces Resorts
Fax: 435-833-2014 DSN: 790-2014
Comm: 011-49-631-411-4853 DSN: 314-483-4853
DSN: 315-263-4383
Anniston Army Depot
Comm: 804-765-4591 DSN: 539-4591
Yuma Proving Ground
For more information regarding our Linking Policy and Endorsement, click here. Shades of Green (AFRC)
1 Tooele Army Depot
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-1361
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Fort Wainwright/Ft. 11 Hap Arnold Boulevard
319 Marshall Avenue
Fort Leavenworth
Dept of the Army
Comm: 706-545-2833 DSN: 835-2833
Buddhist Services . Bldg 5450 Room 1505
Fort Sam Houston (Joint Base San Antonio) Official Website. Sitemap. Processing Center, US NAF Division
Fort Bragg, NC 28310-0001
Taylor Bldg., 8th Floor
Official website of Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA). Comm: 757-878-3637 DSN: 826-3637
124, Room 227 White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002-5018 Comm: 575-678-2930 DSN: 258-2930 Fax: 575-678-1420 DSN: 258-1420 Yuma Proving Ground Yuma Proving Ground 301 C Street, Bldg 300 Yuma, AZ 85365-9111 Comm: 928-358-2861 DSN: 899-2861 Fax: 928-358-4802 DSN: 899-4802 Anniston Army Depot NAF Human Resource Office Anniston Army Depot 7 Frankford Avenue Anniston, AL 36201-4199 Comm: 256-235-4545 DSN: 571-4545 FAX: 256-235-4852 DSN: 571-4852 Fort Benning NAF Human Resources Office 6650 Meloy Hall, Bldg. DSN: 450-1626. 3209 Kleber Kaserne
Fort Polk, LA 71459-5341
Comm: 831-242-6119 DSN: 768-6119
Fort Drum, NY 13602-5101
They connect families, communities and schools and is known as the base education office for K-12. Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8935
Area I CPAC (USAG Red Cloud)
Comm: 011-49-611-143546-2300 DSN: 314-546-2300
APO AP 96218-5746
Fax: 361-5386
The Air Force is the lead agency for Joint Base San Antonio, comprising three primary locations at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, JBSA-Lackland and JBSA-Randolph, plus eight other operating locations and 266 mission partners. Anniston Army Depot
Linking Policy and Endorsement, click here. Fax: 518-266-5540 DSN: 374-5540
Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5130
2271 Louisiana Avenue, Bldg. Region Processing Center, Daegu
Box 105093
Unit 15746
Accessibility/Section 508
Fort Carson
Unit 25850
453 Novosel St., Bldg 5700
Camp Humphreys
Room C221 Fort Drum, NY 13602-5101 Comm: 315-772-8166 DSN: 772-8166 Fax: 315-772-8078 DSN: 772-8078 Letterkenny Army Depot Letterkenny Army Depot Civilian Personnel Advisory Center Chambersburg, PA 17201-4150 Comm: 717-267-9179/5672 DSN: 570-9179/5672 Fax: 570-5621 Natick Soldier System Center US Army Natick Soldier Systems Center 10 Kansas Street Natick, MA 01760-5013 Comm: 508-233-5742 DSN: 256-5742 Fax: 508-233-5105 DSN: 256-5105 Picatinny ArsenalCivilian Personnel Advisory Center NAF Human Resources Office Picatinny, NJ 07806 Comm: 973-724-2261 DSN: 880-2261 Fax: 973-724-2337 Tobyhanna Army Depot Tobyhanna Army Depot Human Resources Office 11 Hap Arnold Boulevard Tobyhanna, PA 18466-5002 Comm: 570-615-7385 DSN: 795-7385 Fax: 570-615-5797 DSN: 795-5797 Watervliet Arsenal U.S Army Watervliet Arsenal/Civilian Personnel Advisory Center 1 Buffington Street, Bldg 10, Rm. Fort Sill, OK 73503
United States Military Academy
Goss Road, Bldg 3197
10 Kansas Street
6901 Desert Storm Ave.
Comm: 011-49-9641-83-7496 DSN: 314-475-7496
Fax: 39-050-54-7049
Box 340309 Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234 Toll Free: 1 (855) 872-7704. White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002-5018
For more information regarding our policy on the use of third-party websites and applications, click here.
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