Dark Reapers in particular can make quite a bit out of this attribute. The short answer is no; you should be committing the entire unit to killing things, so you shouldn't be attacking things more than 12" out to begin with, and the damage buff in the 6.01-9" band isn't worth the points, full stop. Its strength values and potential rending also compliment your main Doomweaver cannons, seeing as how they function virtually identically to each other. Add Your Tags: Eldar Falcon. Fire Dragons and Wraithguard can become slightly more dangerous when rolling around in a Falcon/Wave Serpent (which you would/should likely be doing with them anyways). Additionally, the Skathach is only limited by the standard Deepstriking rules when it comes to deployment where as the Standard WK would be forced to come out of the extremely visible and extremely present Webway Portal, making it harder to predict and prevent deployment. Your Exarch's unit gains a free 5+ FNP against melee attacks. The default under-gun for your Vyper is your cheapest and weakest option. Losing even two Dark Reapers per turn to basilisk fire is unsustainable. The reliability of a solid 3 shouldn't be underestimated. Many of your units can become extremely difficult to shoot at range when properly supported with Alaitoc's attribute and the myriad of other hit-modifiers available to you, forcing opponents to get closer or get into melee combat to reliably deal damage. Basically garbage, since neither you nor your opponent will typically have any interest in staying in melee long enough for pistols to come up. Given that you can shift the Lynx into a flier with a minimum movement of 20", you're. Last but not least, here are some general tactics and counterplay advice on dealing with the various factions you may find yourself facing. Weapon Loadout Options: Phantom Titans are equipped with a Titanic Stride (S9 AP-3 D3 stomp attacks that make 3 hit rolls per attack like the Wraithknight's stomp attack) and a Voidstorm Missile Launcher ( 2d6 S8 AP-3 D1d3 that adds +1 to hit against units that fly). Additionally, if armed with a Ghostglaive, it is much more effective at tank busting in melee with its four S9 attacks hitting at the same AP and Damage values these guns have. A Hemlock Wraithfighter makes a great carrier for this power; it can force a unit (say, an Imperial Knight, for example) to focus fire on it while it employs. Basically the Banshee's War Cry ability, and a pretty good defensive perk that stacks with Drain and Lightning Reflexes if you want to go that route. (At least Banshees.). (Though no aspect host strategems for 2+WS/BS). Even if it finds a target, most of the time it won't do any notable amount of damage. Hard pass. If they are somehow still alive by the next turn, embark and carry on. The Brace of Pistols is a mandatory take, so it may be a good idea to build around engaging at close range to make the most of it. Still worth noting for those few that do or for those who only play casually. The modifier makes it easier to do 1d6 Mortal Wounds with Smite, so why not? That said, Guardians and Psykers get an extra toy or two over the competition and having Eldrad himself lead your army is often incentive enough to lead the Damned into battle. Strong contenders are Wraithblades with Shields, Shining Spears, everything inside Asurmen's bubble, Guardians with Celestial Shield, or a Character heading into close combat. In the transition from 7th to 8th edition, most Corsair units have been liquidated. Iyanden and Alaitoc Fire Prisms might find these quite handy since they add a layer of damage mitigation that compliments their Craftworld Attributes rather well. For obvious reasons Banshees excel at quickly shutting down static gunlines. Fire and Fade is an excellent way of getting these guys into cover after blowing up their target. Apparently someone took one of these to an ITC major and actually did pretty well. Since it's not remotely as maneuverable or quite as durable as the tank, why bring it? The classic, the golden oldie, the OG Eldar battle tank. Note this is a flat 6, not a 6+, so keep that in mind when using this as your Rangers are already going to be -2 to Hit while in Cover anyway. Exarch Powers: Vanilla Fire Dragon Exarchs get the bonus of Crack Shot, letting them re-roll 1s for their hit rolls. Even with the accuracy dip brought on from the constant moving, the rate of fire alone will still help put a dent in any infantry you scoot past. Honestly, if your playing Craftworld Eldar then Alaitoc is the way to go, it’s just that good. Bummer. As your Exarch drops his pistol for this, he won't be able to contribute to ranged firepower while in combat. (Land Raiders = mincemeat). First off we are going to make the entire detachment Alaitoc for that sweet -1 to be shot at bonus. The light and fast Eldar troops are all well and good, but there is a need for some hitting force support too. This page is about Dawn of War III units. Weapon Loadout Options: Your Lynx has two primary choices for their main weapon and is privileged with its fair choice of standard heavy weapons it can sling as a side arm. If you lose enough to take a Morale test that squad is beyond combat effectiveness anyway. At least you can use them in friendly matches. Why ro... 12.8.6 Eldar Falcon and Wave Serpent; 12.8.5 Kaela Mensha Khaine The most flexible, if expensive choice, the AML can effectively balance between GEQ/MEQ targets with its D6 shots or vehicle/monster targets with its single D6 damage shot. The most expensive option with half the range of the other two guns, but with considerably more punch. Works doubly so on Skyreavers, who can get right in the face (Preferably 9") of a squad to use their shredder for double the shots.


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