Gwen insists he can and that one day he will prove his father wrong. The youngest child and the only daughter of a blacksmith named Tom, she has been the personal maidservant to the Lady Morgana since they were both young girls. Arthur: Bradley JamesGwen: Angel Coulby Guinevere is the only woman to have sat at the Round Table alongside her husband, brother, Merlin, Gaius and the other knights. She was delighted with the surprise and began to compliment Arthur on his thoughtfulness, but at that moment Merlin (who was hidden behind the drapes) tripped over something as he was making his exit. Still reluctant, Arthur asked her what she would do if he did marry Elena, and Gwen told him that she would watch him grow into the king that Camelot deserved, and everything would be as it should be. She was supposed to be persuading the knight to pledge his loyalty to the new Queen, but instead asked if he had any idea where Arthur might be. Morgana had followed Gwen and Merlin to the hiding place that Arthur had prepared, then returned to Camelot to put the next part of her plan into action. Merlin finds the Fisher King, who reveals it was really Merlin's quest. Though Gwen had never cared much for Uther personally, she ultimately accepted the job for Arthur's sake, as she knew how much he loved his father and wanted to set his mind at ease. As Arthur and the Knights made their way across the Plains, Gwen began to crack as her hallucinations intensified. However Gwen also showed a considerably darker side, since she sentenced Sefa to death after finding out that Sefa had betrayed Camelot, even though Sefa had been her friend and was genuinely remorseful for her actions. Arthur and Merlin were attacked by Morgana on their way to the Lake of Avalon, and though Merlin managed to kill her before she could do the king any further harm, the delay she caused in their journey was a costly one, and Arthur ultimately died before they could reach their destination. He also assured her that if there was anything she needed or wanted, all she had to do was ask, and said that he was sorry for what had happened. Gwen denied the accusation, claiming that she'd never seen it before in her life, but the king refused to believe her. Disappointed, Gwen eventually blew out the candles and went to bed. Morgana Pendragon (formerly) †Elyan†Tom †Gwen's Mother †Arthur Pendragon †Knights of CamelotKnights of the Round TableGaiusMerlinMary HowdenJohn HowdenHunithDaegal † As recompense for the insult, Arthur offered her kingdom all of the disputed lands of Gedref, and revealed that he'd already had his scribes draw up the agreement. Within seconds the door behind her looks as though someone is trying to push through it, and all of the windows start banging open and closed. She was very worried about him while he was gone, especially when she found out about Morgana’s magic, but was very happy and relived to see him safely returned. On the journey there, he confesses to Merlin that he thinks about Gwen all the time but knows nothing can ever come of their relationship. The characterisation of evil!Gwen was such that you believed she believed she was doing the right thing, without any of the manic head-in … Camelot ultimately emerged victorious, but their triumph proved short-lived when they discovered that the king had gone missing on the battlefield. Arthur knew what she would say however. Morgana discovered Gwen’s feelings for Arthur when he was forced to marry a princess and Gwen was later captured by Cenred to lure Arthur into a trap. At first Gwen seemed to succumb to Morgana's lies, but then she realized what she was doing and pulled away from her. Later, as he and Gwen lay curled up together, Arthur received a telepathic message from Merlin, who had been trapped in the Crystal Cave. Merlin visits Tyr in the dungeons where he claims to have seen someone fixing Arthur's saddle and that they threatened him. As Arthur got to know Elena, he discovered that they had some things in common, but failed to develop any interest in her romantically. As such, he ignored Arthur's objections and continued on alone. Worried now, Gwen asked Arthur to take care of himself and told him that he was just as precious as the kingdom. After the Goblin accused Merlin of using magic to cause the recent pranks, he was arrested and sentenced to death for sorcery. Arthur tells Gwen that their relationship is no longer appropriate. Eventually Morgana entered the room to comfort her. Race: After Sefa begs Gaius to let her speak to the Queen, Gwen meets with Sefa but tells her that her decision to execute her still stands. That was no subterfuge. Their exchange was noticed by Morgana, who became suspicious and questioned Gwen about her relationship with Arthur the next morning. Queen Guinevere Pendragon, better known as Gwen, is the widow of Arthur Pendragon, one of the best friends of Merlin, the younger sister of the late Sir Elyan, the only daughter and the youngest child of the late Tom (The Blacksmith), and the sister-in-law and a former best friend of the late Morgana Pendragon. He said that he was his own man and made his own decisions, and he'd decided that they couldn't be together. He told her that he relied on her honesty, and that he loved her for it. She told him all about Gwen and their former feelings for one another, how Gwen had loved him before she'd loved Arthur and how she would soon be his again. He used an aging spell to disguise himself as Dragoon the Great, then snuck into Arthur's chambers and planted a duplicate poultice. They put their plan into action the night before the peace talks were to begin, stealing a lock of Vivian's hair and using it to place a powerful love spell on Arthur while he slept. Portrayer: Although the knights, Merlin and Arthur manage to find her, Elyan is killed during the rescue. Wenhaver is the polar opposite to the Guinevere we are familiar with in Merlin. 10 fans answered this question Morgana Quotes - … ", I just wanted to say thank you for bringing my brother back. When Uther died, Gwen happily watched Arthur being crowned king after his death. In addition to getting along well, Arthur and Mithian also shared a love of hunting. He always expected Arthur's rejection but it's still too much and he's just so done that he just wants to get out. She told him that she was proud of him, that his words had given them hope and something to believe in, and that she'd seen at the Round Table the king he would someday become. After consulting with Gaius, Arthur sends Merlin as the substitute physician, with Gwen and the Knights of Camelot to fix the problem. Gwen and Gaius then grabbed Merlin and beat a hasty retreat (A Servant of Two Masters). Later, back in Camelot, Arthur made sure that Gwen was all right and complimented her bravery. Once he was sure that the prince actually wanted his advice, Merlin told him that he didn't think an unhappy king would make for a strong kingdom and that whether Arthur was destined to rule Camelot or not, he still had a choice as to how he did it. The Hollow Queen. Gwen kissed him on the cheek to say good bye, which was seen by Arthur and made him slightly jealous. Her comment seemed to remind her of how much of a risk they were taking, and Gwen told Arthur that she would never forgive herself if anything happened to him. Gwen later told Arthur that the idea of her and Arthur being together was insane to anyone apart from the two of them (although this wasn’t quite true as Merlin and Gaius approved of their relationship). That night Gwen poisons Arthur and blames Merlin who is thrown into the cells. And I love you for it. However, she is left heartbroken when she sees him with Vivian. She went to Arthur and told him that she understood why he couldn't forgive her, but she wanted him to know that she'd never once stopped loving him, leaving Arthur thoughtful. Overwhelmed, Arthur walked through the first part of the ceremony in a daze, but ultimately accepted Merlin's advice and spoke up when Geoffrey asked if there were any objections. Statistics Arthur, however, (having learnt his lesson) insisted on taking his turn on the floor. Moment later, Merlin arrived and informed them that there was an assassin in Camelot looking for Arthur. He'll know you've taken me. Merlin uses magic to cure Tom as he can’t bear to stand back and see her suffer when he has the power to save Tom. In order to be freed from this control, the victim had to be cleansed by the White Goddess at the Cauldron of Arianrhod, but it would only work if the victim entered the Cauldron of their own free will. After Nimueh decided to take Hunith's life, Gwen stayed with her and nursed her until she was healed. Soon after, Merlin brings Arthur to Ealdor to keep him safe after Morgana conquered Camelot. Despite her beauty Gwen was not a vain person. Arthur was understandably upset by the incident, and Gwen later tried to comfort him. Gwen and Leon met up with Arthur the next day. There's something about you Merlin. Morgana as shown previously on the serie that she does not really consider the servants on the long term. Initially it appeared that Arthur wasn't there, but an odd sound from within prompted Gwen to investigate further, and she soon found a miserable and embarrassed Arthur attempting to hide behind his bed. However, 'Merlin' was meant to be a family show so some at the BBC were uncomfortable with Gwen's infidelity. She asked him to look after Arthur and make sure he came home, and Lancelot promised that he would protect him with his life. Gwen then goes to Lancelot, telling him to keep Arthur safe and he promises that he will protect Arthur with his life. Gwen first notices Merlin when he stands up to Arthur when he is taunting a servant. But when he told her that he'd never loved another, Gwen resignedly told him that someday he would. Merlin was less amused by the joke, but any danger of Arthur actually following through with it vanished when Sir Leon spotted a doe running through the woods, and the hunting party immediately leapt to pursue it. Back at Camelot, Uther laughs at what he saw and tells Arthur that he was young once and tempted by servings girls. Morgana, meanwhile is off sourcing a magical poison, called henbane and a sleeping draught from a potions master. Gwen went to help Gaius to stop a possessed Merlin from killing Arthur twice (A Servant of Two Masters). This showed that she did actually seem to be quite attached to Sefa and she also seemed to feel sorry for her when Sefa told her that she just wanted to please her father. After Arthur’s death she fled to a nunnery where she remained until her death. Gwen holds Arthur's signet ring during her ascension. With their former hideout compromised, Arthur, Gwen, and their allies took shelter in the Castle of Ancient Kings. Gwen and Morgana talk to Arthur about letting the women fight. She also told him that she trusted him more than any other man, and that rather than worrying about his decision he should do what he believed to be right. They drug her with Belladonna and travel to seek the help of "the Dolma" (Merlin in disguise) at the waters of Dochraid. When he was brought before Uther, Merlin claimed that he'd enchanted Arthur and Gwen to fall in love because their relationship would bring shame upon Camelot. Amused, she thanked Merlin for the breakfast, then turned to Arthur, who fidgeted for a moment and then sheepishly remarked, "It was my idea." Other spellings of the name Guinevere include Guenevere, Guenna, Guinivere, Guinna, Gwenevere, Gwenivere, Gwenora, Gwenore, Gwynivere, and Gwynnevere. He said that they would leave Camelot and never return, even if it meant relinquishing his claim to the throne. Across the Plains, Gwen found herself being held captive awe as Merlin, and Elyan from... Gave Arthur a token for luck in a few dramatic punches but seems to for! Now loves Arthur chamber as soon as they both still highly value each others opinion council chamber, where was. 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