The Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services is a peer-reviewed, monthly journal for psychosocial and mental health nurses in a variety of community and institutional settings. Should explore the significance and impact of the results in relation to the research question and hypothesis. Wholesale appropriation of such material constitutes misconduct. JMHAN reserves the right to edit manuscripts as required to publish in the journal. It has a particular focus on women's issues in the context of the U.S. health care delivery system and policymaking processes, and it publishes both original research and commentaries. Adjustments such as changes to settings must be disclosed in the figure legend. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing disseminates original, peer-reviewed research that is of interest to psychiatric and mental health care nurses. Please do not crop the photos as you lose resolution; instead, zoom in to get the maximum image in the frame for the photograph. 1.3. A copy of all permissions must accompany the manuscript. Journal Name: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Submission Guidelines for Letters to the Editor: All authors submitting to medicine, biomedicine, health sciences, and allied and public health journals should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Labels or arrows may be used to point out areas of interest and should be detailed in the legend. J Clin Ultrasound 2011;39(3):135–40. Written permission must be obtained for material that has been published in copyrighted material; this includes tables, figures, and quoted text that exceeds 150 words. All authors must confirm that neither the manuscript nor any part of it was written or published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The must be a declaration of any financial support for the research, listing company or organization name and the author’s affiliation. Each illustration should be clearly labeled with the title, figure number, and indication as of the correct position of viewing of the image. The word count includes the body of manuscript, references, notes and captions. Does not exceed 4500 words (without consent from Editor-in-Chief), Background and Objective briefly described, Background information on the research is provided, Definitions pertinent to the understanding of the article are provided, Support the merits of the case with a detailed literature review, Subsections recommended (i.e. Authors should submit their manuscripts online. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the, If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1994:845–99. Listen now. It deals with new, innovative approaches to client care, in-depth analysis of current issues, and empirical research. Community Mental Health Journal is devoted to the evaluation and improvement of public sector mental health services for people affected by severe mental disorders, serious emotional disturbances and/or addictions.. Coverage includes: nationally representative epidemiologic projects; intervention research involving benefit and risk comparisons between service programs The Editors welcome original articles dealing with current trends and developments in mental health nursing. Subscribe today! Please note that the journal does not accept manuscripts for the columns produced by the American Nurses Association (The Politics of Caring, Issues Update, and Health and Safety). Should be based on the contributions to any of the three components mentioned below: Conflicts of Interest/ Competing Interests. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Each table should be clearly labeled with the title and figure number. SUBMISSION. Submitted articles should have a 300 words summary/abstract, separated from the … PREPARING YOUR SUBMISSION 5. The field of ‘global mental health’ is still emerging, reflecting a movement of advocacy and associated research driven by an agenda to remedy longstanding treatment gaps and disparities in care, access, and capacity. Provide the original references that provided essential data for the investigation. New content alerts RSS. Copyright of articles published in all DPG titles is retained by the author(s). Breast cancer statistics. Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of work of another in such a way as to give the reader reason to think it is the author’s own work. Illustrations may be sent via e-mail as a TIFF or JPEG file. Corresponding author: provide postal mailing address, phone/fax and email address of the author responsible to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and pre- or post-publication. Research articles report results of an original research project, based on clinical findings, examination technique development, improving strategies and/or training in the health profession. Authors cannot exceed this limit without prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Double-space all pages, including the abstract, text, references, tables, and legends. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). 2019 Impact Factor. Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are allowed if they are applied to the whole image and do not obscure or eliminate any information present in the original image. Editor(s): Lawrie Elliott - Editors: Richard Gray, Marie Crowe & Charley Baker Publisher: Wiley 2019 Journal Impact Factor: 1.94 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group) ISSN: 1351-0126 Register for eToc Alerts Material and Methods: Describe the methodology applied in the investigation. The Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Nursing will publish research and scholarly contributions that inform the development, implementation and evaluation of practice, research, education, leadership and policy relevant to nurses engaged in mental health and addictions nursing. The journal seeks to inform health services researchers, health care and public health professionals, social scientists, policymakers, and others concerned with women's health. ISSN (online): 2052-2819. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original, have not been previously published and will be verified for plagiarism. Your account has been temporarily locked. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically. The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Illustrations should clarify and complement the text. Incorrect authorship: Excluding authors, wrongly presenting the same material as original in more than one publication, inclusion of authors who have not made a definite contribution to the work published; or submission of articles without the concurrence of all authors. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Author Guidelines . A fundamental part of the role of the mental health nurse is to form a therapeutic relationship with the mental health patient, and their family. Original Research . Site tables, figures and/or graphs to illustrate the findings. The author(s) grants DPG the rights to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing equips you with the latest information and best practice so you can deliver the best possible care to your patients. Publication of the content as an abstract during the proceedings of meetings is not considered prior publication and can be submitted for publication. AUTHOR LICENSING 7. The Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (JAPNA) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal publishing up-to-date information to promote psychiatric nursing, improve mental health care for culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities, as well as shape health care policy for the delivery of mental health services. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007. If applicable, details of all funding sources including full agency name(s) and grant numbers should be included as a separate subsection. 1. 29, Issue 5. The JMHAN uses a slightly modified version of the Vancouver style for references. All abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Visit our coronavirus/COVID-19 hub for free access to all relevant content. The author(s) grants DPG the rights to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Note: Figure reproduction cannot improve on the quality of the originals. The journal accepts only original work that has not been published elsewhere. Non-research contributions are not suitable. Accessed November 13, 2012. Your account has been temporarily locked due to incorrect sign in attempts and will be automatically unlocked in 30 mins. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 13171 Barrington Dr. Grafton, OH 44044 PH: 216.554.2964 Where available, URLs for the references have been provided. Lisa Adams, PhD, RN, MSc | Breast Cancer Society of Canada. Use 12-point font and one-inch margins at the top, bottom, right, and left. About this journal. Jamie Waterall; Vol. All manuscripts must be double-spaced with full-text line and page numbering. MORE OPEN ACCESS. Cardenosa G. Breast Imaging Companion, 3rd edition. Any paper submitted to the JMHAN will be checked for originality to confirm that it has not been plagiarized from other sources. The journal provides its readers with accessible, evidence-based articles on disorders, interventions and issues in mental health nursing. Global Mental Health (GMH) is a fully Open Access journal that publishes papers that have a broad application of ‘the global point of view’ of mental health issues. Patient identification MUST be removed. All prospective and retrospective human studies must have appropriate institutional ethics review board. Psychiatric nursing or mental health nursing is the specialty of nursing that cares for people of all ages with mental illness or mental distress, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression or dementia. Each table should be typed on a separate page and should have a legend at the top indicating the information contained and should supplement the text. All submitted material remains the property of the journal and will be returned to the author; however, the publisher and the JMHAN reserve the right to reprint all or portions of the article and to post all or part of the article online. : Schwartz SI, Shires GT, Spencer FC, eds first mention in the publication of. Form of academic fraud and is considered a serious academic offense ; 39 ( 3 ).! Sb, Grossi EA, et al into subsections to clearly present the and. All permissions must accompany the manuscript nor any part of it was or... Provide front line issues in mental health nursing journal submission guidelines to people with mental Health Nursing to learn about our use such! & Public Health Nursing level of contribution to the JMHAN will be checked originality. 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