Here is an article I wrote on Luke the Evangelist who wrote the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts at this link:, Here’s my list of men to learn from and not to learn from Yet, Moses got angry in the wilderness and struck the rock at Meribah to bring forth water, instead of speaking to it as God commanded. Jesus Christ. So yo Joe! I personally named my son Cyrus after King Cyrus and St. Cyrus the Healer. Multiple times in the Bible David is recognized as a man who followed God and was sensitive to the leadership of God in his life. Sin, whether it is of a minor or grievous nature, always leaves destruction in its path. , Daniel and Nebuchadenzzar and King Darius God impacted the world through Neb and Darius. My favorite men in the bible is Paul the man who walked with God regardless of persecution he went through. A generation is defined as the span of time between a man’s birth and the birth of his first child and Biblical times an average generation was 40 years long. Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God’s people, and this was pleasing to God (1 Kings 3:3–14). Solomon 17). Noah alone found favor in God’s sight. David wrote many of those precious poems in the midst of trouble. While Daniel slept peacefully in the den of lions, Darius was up all night worrying about God’s man. David loved God so much that he also wanted to build a temple for God’s ark, but God gave that responsibility to David’s second son by Bathsheba, Solomon. Daniel accepted the punishment that was given to him without complaint. Josiah 3. Read them in the archive below. Godly Man, However Jesus revealed himself to Saul and he accepted the Lord as his personal savior. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect….Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. Still, Abraham lied twice about his wife being his sister in order to escape being harmed, once to Pharaoh (Gen. 12:10–13) and then again to King Abimelech (Gen. 20:2). eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'whatchristianswanttoknow_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',115,'0','0']));As a child Moses grew up in the Egyptian Pharaoh’s house even though he was born to a Jewish family. Nehemiah Paul took Silas with him and Barnabas took John Mark. The Bible gives us a few people whose lives show just how faithful God is; that He does what He says and simply surpasses our limited imaginations. Age 17 God called me ministry to teach. Paul. Thankfully, Jesus was made man to keep God’s law perfectly and be the perfect atoning sacrifice for all sinners who put their faith in him alone, which comes by God’s grace alone: But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. Peter was known to be brash and impulsive, but he loved Jesus with great devotion and was one of the three disciples present at the transfiguration, along with John and James (Matt. Moses Copyright © 2020 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. This is my second one. Men in the Bible, We first see this man when his name was Saul of Tarsus. Mine is king David bcos God himself called him a Man after my own heart he knows how to say sorry. Elijah Peter declared that he would never leave Jesus (Matt. 26:33); but later, out of fear for his life, he denied three times that he even knew Jesus. Noah subsequently cursed Ham’s son Canaan. Potiphar saw that Joseph was good at his work and that he could be trusted. God used Daniel to bring their impact to clarity. How about Aaron the brother of Moshe. Though the vast majority of the spies returned with a discouraging report of the land God said He would give them, Joshua and Caleb reported all the wonderful things God could provide in Canaan. Later the two men split up and formed two new teams of church planters. At the time God said this to Saul through Samuel, David was only a boy of 8 to 12 years old. We can learn from Paul that becoming a Christian doesn’t mean we will never sin; rather, the Christian life is a battle between the Spirit and flesh that will continue until we die and are freed from our mortal bodies. In accordance with the custom of the day Joseph was probably much older than Mary. Even though he sinned against the Lord in going after other gods, Solomon was allowed to rule over Israel all the days of his life because of God’s promise o David (1 Kings 11:34). Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Advertise. Ham then told his brothers about it. Barnabas was the man who took Paul under his wings when no one else wanted to trust Paul. PRIVACY POLICY,,, Share What helped him to endure? How can you make God happy even when no one is watching? You cannot say he is the greatest, if that is what you mean or that only Moses was great. He was also known as a strong leader of Israel as they conquered the land that God had given. Barnabas trained Paul in the ministry and accompanied him on his early missionary travels. Does the Bible speak against lottery? However, there were men who were jealous of Daniel’s influence and position. After Solomon became king of Israel, he had a dream in which God asked Solomon what he wanted. I like JOB the best, because he was obedient. 2. ​. Paul was a distinguished Pharisee who zealously persecuted Christians until Jesus appeared to him one day on the road to Damascus. He was faithful to God and trusted Him. While there are many minor characters mentioned in the Bible who are good role models, here is a list of seven men who were major influences in the history of the Bible.


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